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Registrationshow details + $0.00 USD  

  •  June 4, 2024 - June 7, 2024
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

About the Training:

This thirty-two-hour course has been prepared to aid the training administrator in planning and managing the Basic Training Program in RADAR/LIDAR Speed measurement. The purpose is to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to perform speed enforcement activities. To be able to describe the association between higher speeds, crashes, deaths, injuries, and the traffic safety benefits of effective speed management. As well as describe the principles of estimating vehicular speed, identify and discuss laws and court decisions affecting speed enforcement. Identify and discuss policies and procedures affecting speed enforcement. Demonstrate the ability to estimate the speed of vehicles and demonstrate the ability to prepare and present testimony relating to speed estimating and enforcement. The overall goal of the Speed-Measuring Device Operator Training program is to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to become more effective in detecting and apprehending speeding vehicles.

Limited to certified law enforcement officers. As per the updated Iowa Code, all ILEA Instructors must have a minimum of 3 years working as a certified officer before attending an Instructor school. If you do not meet these new minimum requirements, your registration will not be approved.

This course will provide a Radar Instructor Certificate for three years, valid until 12/31/2027.

Recommended Equipment: laptop for coursework, LIDAR used at department (for familiarity)

Please note that meals are not provided at the Academy.

Cost: GTSB Funded – NO CHARGE


Venue Phone: 515-331-5778

7105 NW 70th Ave, Johnston, Iowa, 50131, United States